Daisy Yellow
index-card-a-day challenge
14th Annual ICAD Challenge
June 1 - July 31, 2024
✨ Creative challenge run annually since May 2011 ✨
The 2024 challenge is now finished.
Thanks for playing along!
The ICAD challenge is about doing a tiny creative project each day for 61 days. You do NOT need to consider yourself an artist to participate. 🌈 We do this together as a community and cheer each other on. Don’t worry about composing or preserving or archiving or framing or making perfect things. Just focus on the activity of doing a little project on paper each day. You’ll find that simple materials push you to think in fresh ways!

icad art ideas
❤︎ Downloadable zines The Simple Beauty of Small Format Art and ICAD Ideas and ICAD Creative Boost
❤︎ 50 Ideas for Creating on Index Cards
❤︎ 10+ Ideas for Using ICADs, ATCs & Small Format Art in Your Art Journal
icad links
❤︎ Creative Warm-Ups
❤︎ What on Earth is ICAD?
❤︎ ICAD digital badges
❤︎ Collecting, Gathering, Using ICADs
Our focus is sparking creativity. The work you create does not need to be categorized or defined or classified as good/bad/etc. I adore ICADs but I do not perceive them as precious. Often for me ICAD is a space/structure for experimenting. This is about creativity! The ICAD community is fantastic at keeping our endeavor non-competitive. It takes all of us to keep this going — and this supportive environment is incredibly important to ICADians (our nickname for challengers).
The ICAD community is honestly the best part of this challenge and the reason we continue year after year. If you choose to join in, please help us carry on our welcoming traditions: we encourage each other to create, cheer each other on, and help newbies feel comfortable joining.
You’ll play along with all sorts of creative people! Who participates in ICAD? Everyone is welcome. You’ll find people with zero art experience and those who have been creating for decades. There are long-time ICADians (aka ICAD aficionados 🤗🌈📇), people who do other forms of creative stuff year-round, people who want to build a creative habit with simple materials, people who need a small day-to-day project as scaffolding (and something to look forward to), people using index cards to brainstorm, do a series, or try a new medium. There are people rebooting their art practice (after letting it go) and people who thrive on daily challenges year-round.
This is your starting point! Many artists STARTED their art journey during ICAD — yup, without any experience — and simply kept going — people who are now painting & journaling & creating all sorts of amazing things! Start where you are. There is no magic formula.
It is comforting to focus on making and sharing what we create with art friends around the world. We inspire each other while we inspire ourselves. Remember that art can help in ways that are difficult to describe in words. Each year is different — if you’re going through some difficult stuff, you might choose to simplify your goals or shift your expectations to remove any perceived pressure.
In 2020 we held our 10th annual challenge at the early phase of the pandemic. We were freaked out and didn’t know what on earth was happening. I didn’t have any idea whether anyone would be in the mood to do ICAD but we had a record turnout! We had been doing this virtually for a decade — so we just kept going. It was incredibly uplifting to see the colorful art flying!
2024 is our 14th challenge. I invite you to proactively seek out beauty in the process of making, of taking simple index cards and altering them! The possibilities are endless. Doodle with magic markers. Use alphabet stamps to write haiku. Make collages from magazines. Paint mini-landscapes. Test hand-carved eraser stamps. Draw portraits. Gather the materials you have on hand and start experimenting.

“ICAD has taken me from complete art paralysis to creating art every day. I was so fearful of not 'doing it right' and not knowing where to start, that I just never did anything - except for buy a lot of art supplies over the years. I always FELT like an artist, I knew that art lived inside of me - I just had no idea how to get it out. So thank you, Tammy, for this life changing experience! I am just THRILLED with it. My goal for next year is to share some of my ICADs, this year that felt to risky - even though I could see how lovely everyone was to each other :)”
“Being part of the smaller ICAD facebook group is great, lots of inspirational art and support from the members. I like the fact it is a manageable group which does not have thousands of members.”
"ICAD has been a wonderful experience. Before I discovered Daisy Yellow I had never even considered creating something on an index card and I loved the challenge of having to work with something so small. I enjoyed seeing other people's work and think the private group was a great idea and provided such a supportive and inspiring environment. I have learned about things I didn't know of before, like 'one staple collage.' I have always been a great fan of what I called 'low key creativity' and the ICAD challenge was a great way for me to explore that further. I was really pleased to find that I enjoyed viewing the work of so many different types of artist. On the one hand there were the people who I thought were good enough to be professional artists, people who could draw and paint like a dream. Then there were people putting together very simple collages with maybe just a couple of elements, or just a quote against a background, a few marks on paper and yet sometimes the simpler 'easier' looking index card creations were the ones that spoke to me the most, the ones that touched something in me. That brought home to me that art is about far more than just being able to draw well. It's about being able to create something that touches the soul of another in some way, which moves them. The main thing ICAD has taught me is that there are so many ways to be an artist, so many ways to channel your imagination and create something magical. I will definitely be doing this again next year. Thank you so much Tammy."
“I was much more comfortable this year with my work and didn't hesitate to share. The feedback and encouragement from the group was motivating. I learned a great deal about what mediums and methods/styles I like using the most. As always it's great to see other people's work; to see a visual representation of their thought process and to be able to ask questions.”
“In so many ways! Inspiration, new ideas, people’s stories, learning something new and/or surprising, feeling connected, affirmation.... I can’t think of a thing you left out!”
“I have a great love for ICAD. I have really grown in my art and been excited to used different mediums. I see my mind being exercised in thinking and I’m more creative. I’m able to be daring and paint or layer over my creations easier. I’ve grown in my use of color and able to experiment with ease. This year has been a difficult one for me. So ICAD has been art therapy for me. And I have been able to share with a few friends and encourage them to create for their own healing. I also keep creating throughout the year.”
"I confess--I never get all the cards finished and I do them in batches, not on a daily basis. I like ICAD because of your infectious enthusiasm and excellent guides/workbooks/prompts that accompany ICAD. This year was not different than previous years for me. I like ICAD because it gives me impetus to create--on a small format--love those 3X5" cards!!!"
“To say that it's been life-changing is not hyberbole -- I always wanted to do the things that I thought only artists could do and since I didn't take any art classes in school (because I thought you already had to know how to be an artist to be in an art class), it seemed that I was doomed before I started. For the first three years, I just made my cards and kept them to myself. Then in 2018 I decided I would post to the FB group and everything shifted. People made positive, reinforcing comments (which I could only assume were sincere since who has time to post insincere observations?) and I gradually became more confident that "my" style was okay. And probably not coincidentally, that was the first year I completed all 61 cards. One of the things I love most about ICAD is that there is such a variety of styles and levels of expertise, but everyone's work stands on its own and is greeted equally enthusiastically. I gained confidence in myself, not just in my creative life, but other everyday activities.”
“The challenge definitely helped encourage finding time to do some art, and the group is so encouraging and uplifting so I definitely felt comfortable posting which I might not normally do. I feel like I’m better able to just go with an idea and push thru when I’m not yet satisfied due to the challenge.”
“I challenged myself this year by using all the prompts. Last year I went off prompt a lot, but I found that researching the prompts and using them to brainstorm ideas really pushed me out of my comfort zone. I also used various mediums and techniques together to try and develop my own style.”
“I loved the sense of community in the private Facebook group. Participants were always encouraging and challenging each other in really positive ways. I'm so glad I decided to join, it was really worth it.”
“For me, being NOT a practicing artist, the ICAD experiences (and some of the other challenges I have done with you, Daisy Yellow) have been life changing and joy affirming.”
“The group has been such a lovely, supportive bunch of people. Everyone is so generous with their feedback. The moderation and rules help to create a wonderful safe forum to create and share. It is an absolute pleasure to be able to view and talk about others creative endeavours.”
“The FB group was amazing and so supportive. I found myself wanting to encourage less experienced artists and also receiving such a boost in self esteem about my own art from others. I don't know how the community experience could be any better!”
"It worked brilliantly - everyone was so supported and supportive - I felt the group worked well together - best year yet for this and I feel I have made some lovely friends."
“This year I tried incorporating the weekly themes more often than I have in the past. It was a stretch at times, but a good one. I'd love to work in more abstract ways with the prompts, but find myself going the traditional route. Maybe next year that will be a goal. All the prompts were fun and I did every one of them. That's my goal every year. Thank you again for all you do to make ICAD such an enjoyable experience!“
“The first influence I can think of is that stack of blank index cards on my desk. If I have an idea that needs to be tried out, I reach for one of those rather than scrap paper, so you've re-introduced me to the modest index card's value. Second is that I don't need to create gallery worthy art, I just need to create. I haven't been able to bring myself to post any of my cards on the FB group - but maybe next year. I'm still very shy about showing my attempts to a group who creates really amazing things. This year, I stuck to a theme for the whole group of cards, not using your prompts, and I'm pleased with the result. Only one year did I use the prompts the whole time; it was fun, but more of a challenge than I'm usually up for! I really enjoy the ICAD and I'm thankful to you for hosting it.”
“You have to participate in other online challenges to understand how the uniqueness of ICAD. Other groups don't seem to form the bond that is present in ICAD. You begin to recognize and respond to other participants work as they respond to what you are posting. It is a very special group, supportive and encouraging and responsive to the difficulty of the task.... creating art everyday is a challenge but confining (or expanding) your work to fit on an index card is really special. Anything goes within the simple and sensible rules of the challenge.”
“At the beginning, feeling accountable to the group helped me power on daily. But after a short while, I just really began to enjoy my art time and looked forward to it. I am hoping to continue my daily practice!”
“There's nothing I can think of that would make the experience better because it is already fantastic. I found the group supportive, inspiring, relaxed yet enthusiastic.”
“It's a mega motivator because everyone is focused on the same thing. There's an energy to it that is unlike any other group I'm in.“
“The facebook group is a simply exquisite experience. I put a shortcut icon on my phone so that it puts me directly into just the group bypassing all the rest of the facebook feed. This allows me to focus on all the deliciousness without distraction. Thank you so much.”
“I love seeing other peoples creativity. People are amazing and have amazing creative gifts! I love the videos you created. Thank you so much!”
“I struggle greatly with disabilities that limit my ability to do art but somehow ICAD sparks something magical in me that makes art feel possible no matter how ill I am. I don’t have words to express my gratitude to you Tammy for this gift! Thank you for your time, energy, creativity, kindness and generosity of spirit. Your presence on this planet makes it a better place to be every day.”
"As it was my first experience in challenges, it was overwhelming. A group of lovely people, sharing beautiful artwork and encouraging each other."

“It reminds me that creativity doesn’t have to be fancy to be deeply personal, expressive, healing, and joy-inducing. It helps me improve my skills. It helps me identify subjects, themes, techniques, media, colors, etc., that make my heart sing, and which I may want to explore later. It increases my confidence in myself. This year was different than previous years in that while I never have a lot of time for ICAD, this year I *really* didn’t have a lot of time. So I had to be creative in my simplicity. It was joyous. Also I feel like I further honed my voice this year. This was joyous too.”
“It was supportive, festive, inspiring, laugh-inducing, and totally joyous.”
“I learned so much in ICAD this year, and felt so creatively supported, too. There was so much wonderful art being made. I watched carefully how mark-makers made intriguing and really pleasing abstract work and how many different, yet wonderful, ways people approached portraiture. Watching how others used a variety of media, I broke out of my box tried new-to-me things like Neocolor IIs, to fabulous effect, and watercolor, sadly, to way less happy effect. There was so much camaraderie and encouragement in the comments. It was a real community! But what happened at my own table every day, where I distilled all the influences and kept pushing my own limits was a very private and intense experience. My biggest personal achievement was finding ways to make my collage less "on the nose" and more mysterious, "slant," as Emily Dickinson might say, while still carrying a sense of narrative content. I fought fierce battles over tiny scraps of paper. But, 61 cards later, I'm pretty sure I won.”
“In general, it helps me a great deal to be challenged to create art everyday. The best part of icad is the terrific support for every artist. I feel more confident and willing to risk trying new techniques and to be freer.”
“Each year that I have participated in ICAD I have enjoyed it. I have found it a challenge every single time, but this year there was something different. I am not quite sure what it was but it was just exhilarating! It seemed that everyone was telling back stories, history, stories, jokes, Just all kinds of fun things. And they shared their strategies and techniques and the way they did things and it just made it a family. I will always love ICAD. I will always participate. I think it is one the best things that I have ever been a part of. it has encouraged me to create on a daily basis. It has stretched my mind set in regards to creating and being creative. And I am forever grateful to Tammy for creating this experience.”
“The FB group was good because I got to see cards that weren't on Insta, where I was posting. They were very different from what I saw on Insta, especially in the first half of the challenge. By the end I started seeing people posting a variety of art types on cards, and that is way more fun, encouraging and inspirational. Good heavens. If there is something you could do better, I don't know what it is. Except maybe get me a two month vacation from work (winning lottery ticket??) so I'd have more time for ICAD.”
“I really love the smaller sized group. I like to see everyone’s cards and comment/like, as well. When the group is too large it becomes overwhelming. Also, you’ve done such a wonderful job creating a space where everyone is allowed to grow at their own pace, even when their personal insecurities are biting at their heels. I can personally attest that it has helped me as an artist when I felt I wasn’t creating art I loved. Seeing other people react to my art - even just a small comment - is often all it takes to keep going and learning.”
“This challenge is one that I look forward to every year. When I started my first challenge, I had just started creating art as serious hobby. Creating on an index card every day (or as close to every day as one can) really helped me understand that even a little practice or a little “play” every day is the perfect way to build skills and habits that will hopefully take my art from simple hobby to whatever comes next. It’s also such an amazing way to tease out those little things that make our art ours. Every card may not be perfect, but I definitely notice little things that I love in each one.”
“I’m a first timer. I joined in an offhand way, thinking it’d just be something fun to do. I had no idea how much I’d learn & grow as an artist. Best challenge I’ve ever done. I took artistic risks I’d never normally take and was well rewarded.”
“The ICAD challenge over the last two months has contributed greatly to my general wellbeing, not only through the artwork, but also by being involved in such a positive community of like minded people through the Facebook page, and Tammy's wonderful website and blog. The FB page was a great platform to share the art, and for participants to encourage each others efforts. I can't think of anything that would make it better.”
“I enjoy it and feel that it is well worth the small amount charged. I love that the tone of the group is always positive and encouraging.”
“Last year I felt that it was great for getting me in the habit of working on something each day, and I continued that for a while after it ended. This year I was dealing with family stuff and some depression and did not finish all 61 days, but do think it helped on the days I did it, in that it helped me focus on doing something and gave me something to look forward to each day, both doing my own cards and seeing other people's.”
"The fb group is very important for me. It is like a family. Like to visit an exhibition every day. As an artist. And as a visitor."
“That was a truly fun way to connect and share and I'd be willing to pay to join the group again.”
"I've always thought it would be fun to have a series of any of my art and I've done that with a series of 3, 4 or 5. But 61???? Oh my. It is really fun to look through my stash of cards I've created in the past two months. Thank you for a wonderfully creative experience!"
“First 3 years I followed the prompts. Last year I sometimes followed the prompt but most of the time followed my own path (collage most of the time). This year I choose my own theme: little collage houses + haiku. I think you can see my creative development which of course is not only influenced by ICAD. I really think ICAD influenced my creative process in a way. Besides that I use more index cards to try something or just make a small piece of art I really love to make those tiny pieces of art. Especially in my busy life where I don’t always have time to make something big.”
“I find it hard to keep up with looking at all the cards, but there is nothing anyone can do about that! For the first time, I posted on Instagram as well. That was a personal challenge I set myself, because I wanted to get used to Instagram. I found it even harder to look at cards on there. I like the privacy of the FB group.”
“Gosh, where do I start? I have participated briefly in open FB art groups and this experience is so different. The group had wonderful moderators and sooo many amazing comments. People were perceptive, nonjudgemental and enthusiastic. Your group posts were informative, helpful and supportive. I can't think of anything that would make the experience better. I often felt I wanted to sit down and chat with all these wonderful people but time zone differences make that unwieldy. Thank you again and again and again for continuing to do the intense work that a commitment like this involves. You are our pole star for creativity.”
"Four years ago I struggled with putting art to paper, period. I made maybe two weeks of cards. Over the years it became easier to post fearlessly, which is what occurred this year. All the qualms had disappeared. There’s power in the doing on a regular basis. Especially with an index card. No pressure. I have found I get more done, I’m more energetic, I get up earlier w/o alarm clock, I have something to look forward to, my outlook is more positive. This year was the best out of the four. The challenge slipped easily into my life."
“I have loved working to the prompts. The initial excitement as the weekly prompts are released, thinking that some are too difficult and then as each day wears on a new idea or solution presents itself. It is the magical creative process. The themes encourage experimentation with new materials and techniques or digging out long forgotten art supplies. The sharing of ideas is so helpful and the range of interpretations fascinating. The whole process is challenging but the discipline of engaging in thoughtful,creative activity each day is so helpful to breaking through creative barriers. I am so grateful for having the opportunity to take part.”
“My first ICAD helped firmly cement a daily art practice when my first day of retirement from full time office work was June 1, 2013. The inspiration & positive vibes (which DEFINITELY originate from Tammy at the top) make ICAD a welcome summer tradition. After a few years of making random cards, I keep the challenge fresh & meaningful by aiming for a personal series each year.”
"I loved ICAD! This was my first year, my first art challenge, my first time using prompts and I completed all but 11 cards. Seeing the body of work I created is really encouraging and inspiring. I currently consider myself a working artist but after after many years spent focused on raising four kids and putting my art last on my to-do list, I was still struggling to bring my art to the top of my priorities. ICAD has helped me do that! The connections with other artists is so encouraging and important too. Thank you for creating this challenge, Tammy, and for all that you put out there for the creative community!"
“Last year was the first time and it really helped me unleash my creativity because I didn't put as much pressure on myself as I did with canvases or art journals, and in fact it has now influenced my whole way of creating, no matter what substrate I use.”
"ICAD always seems to influence my creative life! I often find new techniques, ideas, media, to experiment with which often leads to exploring these ideas on a larger substrate. This year, I played with typography on my cards which I briefly touched upon last ICAD season & this opened my creative practice up quite a bit! I’ll be taking this even further in my work. ICAD is an extraordinary challenge that I just love!"
“I felt the support for one another was exceptional. It was a joy."
“My most favourite thing about ICAD is that I find the creativity flowing into other areas of my life. Each year I learn at least one new lesson - this year I finally learnt that when I'm not happy with a card, it's because it's not finished.”